Packing is one of the most complicated parts of moving. There are too many things we accumulate in rooms and once the task of packing is before us, it can seem extremely daunting. Whenever you look at all there is to pack, there seem to be too many items and not enough items to get into too many boxes but not enough time. The following guide should simplify the packing up of the kitchen so that you have some peace of mind.
Follow these steps and the packing of a kitchen should go much faster than you imagined, as you do this, play music that can help you move through the process with ease.
Before you Begin Prepare and Organize
The kitchen is a mass of several small items. A lot of which have probably accumulated over the years, like stray spoons that seem to have no sets, or rusty can openers you have not used since you bought the electric one. Before you even consider wrapping anything, start determining which things will move you and those which you will leave behind such as aforementioned rusty can opener. This will greatly simplify the steps that are to come.
Set Aside An Essentials Box
This is a box of those items that will get you through the last days in your current home and that you will use to start the first few days in your new home. It should contain cutlery, dishes, food, appliances you regularly use like a coffee maker, towels and cloths and anything else you need to get by till you are fully packed and unpacked.
Obtain packing Materials
5 large boxes which you will use to pack lightweight items such as plastic kitchenware, or difficult to pack items like dish racks, and small appliances.
10 medium boxes that will be used to pack heavier items like small appliances, drawer contents and silverware.
5 heavy-duty boxes for fragile items like plates, stemware and wine bottles.
Newspaper also to be used for fragile items, food to be transported or even small appliances.
Bubble wrap, cell kits and tape. The bubble wrap protects items, and cell kits allow you to package similar groups of items like glasses in boxes. The tape is what ties it all up once boxing is done.
Start Packing Infrequently Used Items
When you start packing the kitchen, start with those items that are not used on a regular basis. Such as wine glasses, cookbooks, vases, pie pans and special utensils.
Pack Unopened Bottles
Alcoholic drinks like wines and spirits can be packed early. If you plan on drinking something before you leave the house, put the bottle aside and pack the rest. Other liquids in bottles should also be packed at this time.
Proceed to Drawers and To Shelves
Always start with the drawer that is really messy, and throw out items you do not need or have not used in the past 6 months. Pack up the drawer of cutlery. Follow this up with cookbooks, and place them flat to protect their spines. Any items that you will need to use before you leave the house or in the first few days in the new house should be placed in the essentials box, but remember to limit this to essential items only.
Now Pack Dishes
Place the cell kits in the boxes and pack up glasses and any stemware. Be careful in this step as items not packed properly could break. Also pack plates at this time.
Pots and Pans
Whatever you need to survive should be placed in the essentials box. Once this is done, pack the rest with their lids.
Proceed To The Pantry
Start with spices and make your way toward larger items. Canned goods are not always worth moving unless they are really expensive. Ensure that the weight of the items you are transporting is worth the cost. Rid yourself of all perishable food items unless your new home is really close by.
Finally pack The Appliances
For large appliances it is advisable to get a professional packing company, as most movers will not take responsibility of appliance that malfunction if they were not packed properly. Do this a day before you move, you do not want leaks, broken bits or equipment that just will not work.
Now that you know how to pack up the kitchen, get to it. If you follow the above guide, you should find your work smooth and easy. Good packing ensures that you will not find broken items at your destination, or missing items, so take the process seriously. Once you are done packing find a good mover like Ryder or U-Haul to ensure that your items get to your new home safely.